Mis on relatsiooniline võimukäsitlus?

Peeter Selg


There are at least two major understandings of relational approach to power that seldom if ever enter dialogue with each other. The aim of this paper is to bring out the differences and potentials for a dialogue of these perspectives by untangling the ontological underpinnings and methodological consequences of each. First, a perspective I call “Anglo-American relationalism”. Compared to traditional approaches that overwhelmingly focus on the powerful (the As) this perspective highlights the importance of considering also the contribution of the powerless (the Bs) to creating and upholding power relations. Second, an approach to power I call “Continental relationalism” presumes the primacy of relations over entities. The identities of the elements of power relations are viewed not as being “given” prior to those relations, but as being constituted within them.

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Ühiskonnateaduste Instituut
Tallinna Ülikool

ISSN: 2228-4133 (võrguväljaanne)