East-West Studies
The peer-reviewed Journal of Social Sciences "EAST-WEST STUDIES" has been published since 2007 by Tallinn University Law School (up to 2010 former University Nord) and since 2015 by Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society. From 2015 onwards there is double-blind peer-review process for accepting the submissions. The journal is open for submission for scholars from around the world, the international editorial board consists of Estonian and foreign academics.
The aim of the journal is to bring together specialists on various social studies such as philosophy, law, psychology, economy, international relations and also other social sciences, whose interests transcend a geographic region. Estonia is an European country and a member of the European Union and other European institutions as well as one of the easternmost members of these bodies. East-West Studies publishes articles not only on Estonian and European but also global issues, including East-West relations and problems. The journal offers original explanations and solutions to theoretical, methodological as well as practical problems; contributing to better understanding of challenges facing humankind.
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Eesti Sõjaajaloo Aastaraamat / Estonian Yearbook of Military History
Eesti Sõjaajaloo Aastaraamat on 2011. aastal asutatud ja kord aastas ilmuv eelretsenseeritav teaduskogumik, mida annavad välja Eesti sõjamuuseum - kindral Laidoneri muuseum ja Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus. Kogumiku sihtgrupiks on sõjaajalooga tegelevad õpetlased nii Eestis kui ka välismaal, ühtlasi ka laiem sõjaajaloohuviliste ring Eestis. Väljaande peatoimetaja on Toomas Hiio.
Ajakiri ilmub vähemalt kord aastas. Kõik artiklid läbivad pimeretsenseerimise.
Eesti Sõjaajaloo Aastaraamatu artiklitele on ajakirja kodulehel vaba juurdepääs. Lugejad võivad artikleid alla laadida, lugeda, kopeerida või välja trükkida ilma toimetuselt või autorilt selleks luba küsimata.
Estonian Yearbook of Military History (est. 2011) is an annual peer-reviewed journal of military history issued by Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum in collaboration with Tallinn University Press.
Each issue of the journal focuses on a certain topic, which is usually determined by the topic of the military history conference held by the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum the year before.
The journal is usually divided in two parts, the first of which comprises the conference proceedings while in the second part papers adressing various other questions of military history can be found.
Estonian Yearbook of Military History is a successor of Yearbook of Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum (issued 2001–2007, ISSN 1406-7625).
The journal appears annually and provides an open access to its content. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, or print full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
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Slavica Revalensia
Slavica Revalensia is an Estonian peer-reviewed academic journal in Russian and Slavic studies that is aimed at providing grounds for the exchange of ideas in the whole range of relevant subjects, such as Lingustics and Poetics, Russian Literature, Slavic Laguages, etc. Each volume is structured as follows: Issledovaniia i materialy [Articles], Kritika [Reviews], Bibliografiia [Bibliography]. The Editor-in-Chief is Grigori Utgof.
The languages of Slavica Revalensia are Russian and English.
The journal provides open access to its content. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, or print full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Slavica Revalensia печатает ранее не публиковавшиеся исследования и материалы, затрагивающие весь спектр славистической проблематики. Печатаются работы по-русски и по-английски.
Indexing services
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu digitaalne arhiiv (DIGAR)
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
MLA Directory of Periodicals (Modern Language Association)
EBSCO www.ebsco.com
Linguistic Bibliography Online (Brill Publishers)
Editorial Board
Irina Belobrovtseva (Tallinn University)
Tatiana Civjan (Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Lazar Fleishman (Stanford University)
Aleksei Gippius (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Dimitar Kenanov (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo)
Irina Külmoja (University of Tartu)
Georgi Levinton (European University at Saint Petersburg)
Mihhail Lotman (Tallinn University / University of Tartu)
Nikita Okhotin (Independent Scholar, Saint Petersburg)
Jelena Pogosjan (University of Alberta)
Fedor B. Poljakov (University of Vienna)
Andrew Reynolds (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Tatiana Skulacheva (V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Mikhail Velizhev (University of Salerno)
Michael Wachtel (Princeton University)
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Philologia Estonica Tallinnensis
Philologia Estonica Tallinnensis on Tallinna ülikooli humanitaarteaduste instituudi väljaanne (endise nimega Tallinna Ülikooli Eesti Keele ja Kultuuri Instituudi Toimetised),kus avaldatakse kaastöid lingvistika ja kirjandusteaduse kõikidest valdkondadest. Samuti on väljaandesse teretulnud kirjutised eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetamise ning keelelise kommunikatsiooni alalt. Väljaande artiklid on eesti, soome ja inglise keeles.
Philologia Estonica Tallinnensise eelkäija Tallinna Ülikooli Eesti Keele ja Kultuuri Instituudi Toimetised on ilmunud alates 2004. aastast (esimene väljaanne ilmus Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Eesti Filoloogia Osakonna Toimetiste nime all, kirjandusalased uurimused ilmusid esialgu instituudi eraldi kogumikena).
Ajakiri ilmub kord aastas sügisel, artiklite toimetusele saatmise tähtaeg on 1. mai. Kõik artiklid läbivad pimeretsenseerimise: iga artiklit hindab anonüümselt kaks retsensenti (nii väljaande kolleegiumist kui ka väljastpoolt). Väljaande peatoimetaja on Reili Argus, igal numbril on ka eraldi tegevtoimetaja.
Philologia Estonica Tallinnensise artiklitele on toimetiste kodulehel vaba juurdepääs. Lugejad võivad artikleid alla laadida, lugeda, kopeerida või välja trükkida ilma toimetuselt või autorilt selleks luba küsimata.
Philologia Estonica Tallinnensis publishes contributions in all subdisciplines of linguistics and literary studies. Papers on teaching of Estonian language and literature as well as on linguistic communication are welcome. The languages of the journal are Estonian, Finnish and English.
Philologia Estonica Tallinnensis, initially as Tallinna Ülikooli Eesti Keele ja Kultuuri Instituudi Toimetised have been published since 2004; the first issue appeared under the heading Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli eesti filoloogia osakonna toimetised. Papers in literary studies came out as a separate collection of articles, published by the Insitute. Since 2016 the journal is titled Philologia Estonica Tallinnensis.
The journal appears yearly in autumn; the submission deadline is 1st of May. All articles will undergo blind reviewing by two anonymous reviewers (from within and outside the editorial board). The Editor-in-Chief is Reili Argus; every issue has a special guest-editor.
Refereerivad andmebaasid / Indexing services
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
Communication Source Database (EBSCO)
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu digitaalne arhiiv (DIGAR)
Linguistic Bibliography Online (Brill Publishers)
Linguistic Abstracts Online
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
MLA Directory of Periodicals (Modern Language Association)
Scopus (Elsevier)
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Acta Politica Estica
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Studies of Transition States and Societies
Studies of Transition States and Societies (STSS) is a fast-growing open-access interdisciplinary journal for the study of transition societies. Published since 2009, it is already indexed in Scopus, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, ProQuest, the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) and International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA).
Published and funded by the School of Governance, Law and Society and Institute of International Social Studies at Tallinn University, STSS is fully open access, does not ask for article processing charges from authors, yet provides free language editing to accepted articles. Our goal is to contribute not only to scholarly debates but also promote good practices in open science, while staying independent, uncompromising and maintaining high academic standards and ethical conduct.
STSS emphasises life course research with a specific focus on the intersection between the labour market and education studies. We prioritise research that dissects life course transitions, providing insights into the complex processes shaping individual trajectories in education, employment, and their interrelations with other domains such as family, health, migration and mobility. Our interest in the labour market extends to precarious work, the vulnerable conditions of individuals, informality theory and the informal practices and relations that encompass various aspects of labour markets and labour relations. The educational dimension emphasises inequalities in skill formation, education attainment and lifelong learning.
We welcome different methodological perspectives. We especially value international comparative research and research on social changes and transformations. One of our aims is to examine how transitions in technology, demography and environmental policy influence educational and labour market outcomes, contributing to theoretical and methodological debates in sociology, anthropology, human geography, public policy, and related disciplines.
We encourage unorthodox and unconventional interdisciplinary research, prioritising studies that integrate analytical theory with rigorous empirical analysis to foster a cumulative and generalisable understanding of the social world.
We particularly welcome studies that explore regional and national contexts within the geographical area extending from Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia (i.e., approximately overlapping with the former state socialist world), and that contribute to theoretical and empirical debates on this region. Studies focusing on other parts of the world may be considered if they offer relevant comparisons with our core region. In addition, we highly value research addressing comparative, transnational, and cross-border dynamics in education and employment.
The journal is published annually in June. In addition, collections of articles about a common theme or debate may be published as special issues.
See more in About section.