«Царскосельские»: Из писем Ю. Л. Сазоновой к Г. П. Струве [“Those Who Lived in Tsarskoe…”: Letters of Yulia Sazonova to Gleb Struve]

Konstantin Azadovskii


This article is focused on the publication of the letters of the actress, journalist, ballet critic and theater figure Yulia Sazonova-Slonimskaya (1884—1957), who knew personally all the three participants in the famous “triangle” (Anna Akhmatova – Nikolai Nedobrovo – Boris Anrep). These letters contain a number of details enriching this well-known historical and literary plot with new touches. The letters are addressed to Professor Gleb Struve (1898—1985), an outstanding historian and expert on Russian literature, and are related to the publication of his book The Unpublished Gumilyov (New York, 1952). Among various details deserving of attention is the intention expressed by Sazonova in one of her letters (unfortunately, not realized) to write an article or memoir essay about the Tsarskoe Selo meetings of the Nedobrovos with Akhmatova and Gumilev.

KEYWORDS: Lazar Fleishman at 80, 20th-Century Russian Literature, Yulia Sazonova-Slonimskaia (1884—1957), Gleb Struve (1898—1985), Anna Akhmatova (1889—1966), Nikolai Gumilev (1886—1921), Nikolai Nedobrovo (1882—1919), Boris Anrep (1883—1969), Correspondence, History of Literature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2024.11.16


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ISSN 2346-5824 (print)
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