Pазмышление о «Подражании Горацию» К. Н. Батюшкова (так ли «безумно» стихотворение поэта?) [Some Thoughts about “Podrazhanie Goratsiiu” by Konstantin Batyushkov: Is the Poem that Mad?]

Pavel Uspensky


This article is an attempt to reconstruct the semantic structure of the incoherent—and even absurdist—text of Konstantin Batyushkov’s poem “Podrazhanie Goratsiiu” (1852). Written by a demented poet, this text seems to lack any logic, yet it has a logic of its own (although the poem’s plane of expression is different from what we expect from a 19th-century poet).


Russian 19th-Century Literature, Konstantin Batyushkov (1787—1855), “Exegi Monumentum,” Madness, Close Reading.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2014.01.01


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