О строфической структуре верлибра А. А. Блока «Она пришла с мороза…» [On the Strophic Pattern of Alexander Blok’s Free Verse Poem “Ona prishla s moroza…”]

Sergei Dotsenko


The purpose of this article is to reveal a sonnet-like structure in a famous poem by Alexander Blok, “Ona prishla s moroza…” (1908). The last four “stanzas” of the poem mimic the strophic structure of the Italian sonnet (4 + 4 + 3 + 3), thus stabilizing the otherwise unpredictable verse form (vers libre).


Russian 20th-Century Literature, Alexander Blok (1880—1921), vers libre, Verse Theory.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2014.01.03


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