Некрасов и Боратынский: Вокруг рецензии на «Дамский альбом», новых взглядов на брак и двух любовных стихотворений [Nekrasov and Baratynsky: Notes on Nekrasov’s Review of the “Damskii albom” Anthology, New Vision on Marriage and Two Love Poems]

Pavel Uspensky


In the focus of this article is Nikolai Nekrasov’s attempt to revive the legacy of Yevgeny Baratynsky, whose poetry—mainly due to Vissarion Belinsky’s criticism—was not as highly esteemed in Nekrasov’s lifetime as after Baratynsky’s “rediscovery” in the early 20th century. It also shows that Baratynsky’s elegies could influence Nekrasov’s poem “Kogda iz mraka zabluzhden’ia…” (1845), and offer an explanation of the reason why Nekrasov favored Baratynsky’s poem “Priznanie” (1823, 1832—33).


19th-Century Russian Literature, Yevgeny Baratynsky (1800—1844), Vissarion Belinsky (1811—1848), Nikolai Nekrasov (1821—1877 / 1878), Influence, History of Literature. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2016.03.03


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