Судьба «Черного человека»: Между красными и белыми (К истории раннего киносюжета Андрея Платонова) [The Fate of a “Black Man”: Between the Reds and the Whites (Towards the History of Andrei Platonov’s Early Film Plot)]

Alexander Grishin


The present article is focussed on Andrei Platonov’s relations with a Soviet film company “Sovkino” in the period from 1927 to 1928, and reconstructs a likely impetus leading to Platonov’s work on the synopsis of a film about a black soldier fighting on the side of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. It also reveals some parallels between this film plot and Platonov’s prose fictions addressing the theme of the Civil War.


20th-Century Russian Literature, Andrei Platonov (1899—1951), Literature and Visual Arts, History of Cinema.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2017.04.04


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ISSN 2346-5824 (print)
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