«Воспоминание о Шлёцере» А. С. Кайсарова [Andrei Kaisarov’s “Memoir on Schlözer”]
This is a prefaced and thoroughly annotated first publication of Andrei Kaisarov’s “Memoir on Schlözer” previously attributed to Alexander Turgenev (the manuscript of the memoir came to us in the Turgenev brothers’ archive). The article’s first part addresses the question of how this text was created, establishes the year Andrei Kaisarov composed it (1810), and also lists some possible reasons preventing it from being published before. What the article also brings into focus is the conflict between the “Normanist” August Ludwig Schlözer and his opponent, the “anti-Normanist” Gustav Ewers (with whom Andrei Kaisarov sided).
KEYWORDS: 19th-Century Russian Literature, Andrei Kaisarov (1782—1813), August Ludwig Schlözer (1735—1809), “Memoir on Schlözer,” Russian-German Relations in the Early 19th century, Russian History.
Full Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2020.07.03
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