Süsteemne võim ja semiootiline autonoomia semiootilise kultuuripsühholoogia vaatepunktist

Maaris Raudsepp, Andreas Ventsel


Semiotical system in the functional sense has dual effect on the subject: on the one hand, it directs and constrains the subject through collective semiotic tools, on the other hand – it provides symbolic resources for subject's semiotic autonomy. This duality may be presented as  a relation of systemic power. Explicit and implicit collective meaning structures act as an external coercive power in relation to subjects.  Regulative function of the semiosphere manifests itself through various social suggestions which attempt to direct and constrain subject's activity. In contrast, individual semiotic autonomy is realized through the use of signs in the process of  self-regulation and autocommunication. Contacting with the semiotically autonomous subject, these social suggestions may catalyze variety of responses. In the article a typology of  modes of response are presented. Distancing, resistance, compliance and creative synthesis are generated in the interplay of external catalyzers on one hand, and unreflective and reflective processes within the subject, on the other. A semiotic mechanism of their generation and  several theoretical models which explain the probability of specific mode of response are described. Possible application of the model in the analysis of intergroup power relations (e.g. in explanation of the phenomenon of reactive identity) has been demonstrated.

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Ühiskonnateaduste Instituut
Tallinna Ülikool

ISSN: 2228-4133 (võrguväljaanne)