«А здесь я никому не нужен»: Послевоенные годы Николая Зарецкого в Праге [“And Here, No One Needs Me”: Nikolai Zaretsky’s Post-War Years in Prague]

Fedor Poljakov


In his article, Prof. Fedor Poljakov of the University of Vienna focuses on the last years a Russian émigré painter, graphic artist and art collector Nikolai Zaretsky spent in the Socialist Czechoslovakia before escaping to Paris in 1950. It also contains an overview of Zaretsky’s pre-war exhibitions in Prague and tells the story of his major unfinished project — an illustrated book Risunki Russkikh Pisatelei (Russian Writers’ Drawings).  

KEYWORDS: 20th-Century Russian and East-European History, Nikolai Zaretsky (1876—1959), Russian Writers’ Drawings (unpublished), Life Story, Russian Emigration, Microhistory.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2022.09.09


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ISSN 2346-5824 (print)
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