«Сердечный привет Вам и Алексею Михайловичу из Палестины» (Материалы к теме «Алексей Ремизов в культурном пространстве Палестины / Израиля») [“Cordial Greetings to You and Alexei Mikhailovich from Palestine”: Alexei Remizov’s Presence in Palestine / Israel]

Vladimir Khazan


This article analyzes the connections and contacts of Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov and his wife Serafima Pavlovna Remizova-Dovgello with Rachel Grigor’evna Ginzberg (1885–1957), daughter of major Jewish philosopher Ahad Ha’am (né Usher Isayevich (Asher Hirsch) Ginzberg) and wife of Russian writer M. A. Osorgin, who was exiled with her husband aboard the famous ‘Philosophers’ ship’. This work serves as a sequel to the book As a Seal upon Thy Heart (2022), which examines Rachel Ginsberg’s life and fate on the basis of her extensive epistolary dialogues with prominent members of the Russian emigré community of the interwar period: Vera Bunina, Mark Vishniak, and Ekaterina Kuskova. The present publication focuses on Ginsberg-Osorgina’s letters to the Remizovs found in the latters’ archive. Some of these were written in Paris, while others were mailed from Palestine, to where Rachel Grigor’evna had moved in 1935, and where she lived until the end of her days. The article aims to expand our view of Remizov’s milieu, his circle of close acquaintances and friends, while also adding a new name to the list of members of the Obezvelvolpal (The Great Free Order of the Apes). The letters clearly indicate that not only was Mikhail Osorgin a member of the society, but Rachel Ginsberg, his wife at the time (until 1926), was also a member. This publication is part of the broader subject “Alexei Remizov in the cultural space of Palestine / Israel.”

KEYWORDS: Lazar Fleishman at 80, 20th-Century Russian Literature, Alexei Remizov (1877—1957), Rachel Ginzberg (1885—1957), Cultural Space of Palestine / Israel, Correspondence, History of Literature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2024.11.13


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ISSN 2346-5824 (print)
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