Re:Poola. Polsko-estońska szkoła języka polskiego i kultury polskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski – Uniwersytet Talliński) [Re:Poola. The Polish-Estonian School of Polish (Univesity of Warsaw / Tallinn University)]
In their review Marta Małachowicz and Joanna Piotrowska survey a newly established educational project first realized in the spring of 2024 and financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA): Re:Poola. Polsko-estońska szkoła języka polskiego i kultury polskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski – Uniwersytet Talliński).
KEYWORDS: Polish Language and Culture, University of Warsaw, Tallinn University, NAWA, L2 Acquisition.
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Издательство / Published by:
ISSN 2346-5824 (print)
ISSN 2504-7531 (online)