Мускус и камфора. «Отъ меня вечоръ Леила…» А. С. Пушкина: Cтруктура текста и поэтическая традиция [Musk and Camphor. Pushkin´s Poem “Ot menia vechor Leila...”: The Structure of the Text and Poetic Tradition]

Fyodor Dvinyatin


The article analyzes the structure of one of Alexander Pushkin’s last poems—“Ot menia vechor Leila…” (1835—36): from the level of phonetics to the levels of grammar and lexis. After completing the formal analysis, Fyodor Dvinyatin moves on to the poem’s semantics: he singles out the opposition musk vs. camphor, and focuses on the description of its function in Pushkin’s poem and in poetic tradition.


19th-Century Russian Literature, Alexander Pushkin (1799—1837), Poetics, History of Literature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22601/SR.2016.03.02


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