Lõimiv koolivalik kui võimalus avalikkuse taastootmiseks kaasaegses haridusvalitsetuses

Triin Lauri


The aim of this article is to indicate critical aspects related to contemporary educational governance in a pluralistic framework. The problem of educational governance is viewed from the perspective of school choice, i.e. choice as a response to differentiated social pluralism, and choice as a move toward democratic governance, to stress the era of active citizenship and post-dichotomized understanding of citizen/government relations, where governments have the role of initiating deliberation on publicness. Using three ideal-typical educational governance models, the article illustrates how the role of choice, the meaning of education, and the education system’s ability to contribute to the public good has been changed. The conceptual model of integrative choice and reflexive educational governance is proposed by combining deliberative forums and the mechanism design approach.

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Ühiskonnateaduste Instituut
Tallinna Ülikool

ISSN: 2228-4133 (võrguväljaanne)