Eesti näitekirjandus ja teater kultuurimälu meediumidena [Estonian drama and theatre as media of cultural memory]

Piret Kruuspere


Literature, especially the historical novel, has been analysed as one of the main media of cultural memory. At the same time, the importance of translational transfers between media and art forms, as well as audio-visual media, has been stressed more often. The role of theatre as the medium of cultural memory has not been analysed so frequently. This article focuses on the relationship between dramatic art and national memory culture, including dramatic interpretations of historical epic literature, as well as the manner in which traumatic experiences of historical past have been processed in the form of drama and performance.

On the basis of a number of works of Rein Saluri, Madis Kõiv and Merle Karusoo, the article also considers the possibility of defining Estonian memory theatre as a phenomenon. This research is based upon the studies of relations between memory and history, and drama and theatre (Malkin,Carlson, Rokem), as well as studies of cultural memory (Lotman, Assmanns, Erll, Rigney).


dynamics and (inter)mediality of cultural memory, scenic afterlives of literary texts, Estonian memory theatre


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ISSN 2504-6616 (print/trükis)

ISSN 2504-6624 (online/võrguväljaanne)