Korpuspohjainen tutkimus vironkielisten suomenoppijoiden sisäpaikallissijojen käytöstä [Corpus-based research of interior local cases used by Estonian-speaking Finnish learners]

Keaty Siivelt


This article analyzes the use of interior local cases by Estonian speaking finnish learners on the basis of International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI). The aim of the paper is also to outline how L1 Estonian possibly influences the use of L2 Finnish. The first part gives theoretical background to the research and deals with theoretical issues of contrastive analysis, defining transfer, second language acquisition and the opportunities and methods of corpus based research. In the second part, the data and methods are introduced. The data was collected from ICLFI (essays, compositions, term papers, short stories ect.) and contains of 36.636 words. In the third part the use of interior local cases are described and classified by functions. There are also presented the errors and the possible reasons of errors as well as proper forms. The paper concludes that morphological and phonological differences between L1 and L2 overcome the possible positive transfer on morfosyntactic level.

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ISSN 2504-6616 (print/trükis)

ISSN 2504-6624 (online/võrguväljaanne)