Alternatiivseid mooduseid fraseoloogia esitamiseks sõnastikus [Representation of Estonian idiomatic expressions in the dictionary]

Katre Õim


The main goal of this article is to describe some possibilities to compile an online dictionary of Estonian phraseology. Users of this cognitive linguistics inspired dictionary are not expected to have any knowledge on the lexical content and syntactic structure of the idiom. The dictionary is based on the electronic database of Estonian phrases. A publicly available online dictionary brings together expressions that are semantically linked and demonstrates the morphosyntactic structure of Estonian phrases, also shows how they are used in the natural language. In the microstage the metaphor target-concept based entries would follow many distinct parameters. We hope that in the final stage the online dictionary of Estonian phraseology will represent expressions which have the same general meaning and structure.


cognitive linguistics, lexical semantics, thesaurus, phraseology



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ISSN 2504-6616 (print/trükis)

ISSN 2504-6624 (online/võrguväljaanne)