Eesti keele probleeme ülikoolide trükistes Ülo Sõstra [Estonian language problems in publications of universities]

Ülo Sõstra


The aim of study was to know, how rich is Estonian vocabulary of our students and what terminology they use in publications. Newspaper of Tallinn University of Technology students “Studioosus” is free from censorship and outside editing. The papers are written in student’s slang and without strong rules. The Student’s Newspaper of Estonia is better edited and there are discussed problems of student, subsidies for study, transport, defending student rights etc. The postgraduate students often edit themselves paper’s collections to spring- or autumn-school for students on different topics. Usually are involved papers from leading specialists of discussing problem. The specialist papers are written in usual scientific correct language. Students use more free terms and Estonian grammar rules, logical order of words in sentence etc. In texts are used parasitic words. There are written some methodological books about writing research works (Aarma & Kalle, 2005; Aarma, 2008 etc.). The books contain many important recommendations, but the book of A. Aarma (2008) is too “philosophical” and there are problems with using terms “paradigm”, “description”, “thinking technology” etc. 135 The main problem is that universities have not enough textbook in Estonian students must study using books in English or Russian, but must write in Estonian. Students do not have experience in systematic using special lexicons: Estonian Glossary, v. 1-6, 2009; Lexicon of International Words, 2006; Estonian Grammatical Correction Dictionary, 2006. They have habit to use Internet, where the most of papers are full of mistakes.


article, international words, term, student’s slang, sentence structure, student’s newspapers, scientific journals.

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ISSN 2504-6616 (print/trükis)

ISSN 2504-6624 (online/võrguväljaanne)