Translating perception metaphors. A process-based approach [Tajumetafooride tõlkimisest. Protsessipõhine lähenemine]

Anu Kalda


The article describes the results of a context-based translation task on translating English perception metaphors into Estonian. Empirical research was carried out with 21 professional translators who were all native Estonians. The analysis is based on a sequence of translation strategies and the frequency of their usage as well as on the data collected on consulting online sources during the translation task. The research showed that the majority of perception metaphors are preserved in the target texts. Data suggest that the cognitive load of perception metaphors seems to be higher than of other linguistic forms, especially that of colour metaphors.

Keywords: metaphor translation, cross-cultural metaphors, culture-specific metaphors, translation strategies, translation process, digital resources, translation aids, cognitive linguistics, Estonian, English

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ISSN 2504-6616 (print/trükis)

ISSN 2504-6624 (online/võrguväljaanne)